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Anglické termíny a slovní zásoba – Business, Takeover, Shares

poison pill – “pilulka s jedem”, nástroj pro ochranu před převzetím, může také posloužit omezené množství akcií k obchodování leveraged buyout – pákový odkup (převzetí firmy jinou firmou s využitím půjčených peněz) dawn raid – “úsvit” nebo “nálet” (agresivní metoda...
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Product description: DJI Phantom 3 SE

Background Have you ever had a dream to be like a bird? Fly through the air? With DJI Phantom 3 SE you can! It is an affordable drone with professional image quality. This drone can shoot a video in the...
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Product description: TM Racing 250 Enduro 2T

TM Racing 250 Enduro 2T Background TM Racing is a boutique company located in Pessaro, Italy. The Factory produces only cca 1200 pieces a year. Do you want a production bike ready to race?  TM Racing Motorcycles offer motocross, supermoto,...
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Colporate culture / Business dictionary

Accounts payable – ASAP – (as soon as possible) nejdříve jak je možné Assignment – zadání, přidělená část práce Autonomy – autonomie, samostatnost Appendix – dodatek (např. sekce na závěru knihy) Arrange – usp...
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Australia is the Earth’s smallest continent, situated in the Southern Hemisphere between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Australia is the only country occupying a whole continent. It’s an island continent. It’s the sixth largest country in the world after...
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Prague Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and it’s the biggest Czech city. It is the most important political, economic and cultural centre of our country and residence of our President and the Czech Government. It lies in...
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New York a Washington

New York New York is the biggest city in the USA. About live 8,5 million people here, but full agglomeration has 24 million residents. New York is situated in north-eastern part of the US. City stands on Atlantic coast. Through...
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The Czech Republic

The CR is a state of Central Europe or we can say it´s situated in the heart of Europe. The capital city is Prague. The Czech flag consists of a blue triangle and two stripes (red and white). The national...
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