The Czech Republic

The CR is a state of Central Europe or we can say it´s situated in the heart of Europe. The capital city is Prague. The Czech flag consists of a blue triangle and two stripes (red and white). The national anthem is “Where my home is?” Music – František Škroup; lyrics – Josef Kajetán Tyl.

Our republic has four neighbours. The western neighbour is Germany and we have the longest border with this state. In the north CR borders on Poland, in the south on Austria and in the east on Slovakia.

The CR has 10 million inhabitants. The official language is Czech. In our state we have many Poles, Slovaks, Germans and Ukrainians.

The CR is a parliamentary and democratic state. The head of state is The President – Miloš Zeman.

An area is about 80 000 square kilometres. The nature borders form the mountains. In the north there are Giant Mountains with the biggest mountain – Sněžka. Its height is 1603 metres. In the west we can find the Ore Mountains and the Bohemian Forest, in the southeast there are Beskydy and Jeseníky.

The CR has many rivers. The biggest is Elbe – it has spring in the Giant Mountains and flows into the North Sea. Second most important and the longest river is Vltava. The biggest lake is Čertovo lake, which is situated in the Bohemians Forest.

Let´s say something about climate in the CR. We are lying in the middle climate. Weather is quiet friendly here. We have 4 seasons. One is spring, which brings us the temperature about 15 degrees, flowers usually start to bloom and snow melts. In the summer the temperature grows up to 35 degrees and everyone goes to a swimming pool and plays some summer games. In September autumn begins, which is a nice period of the year. Leaves of trees are everywhere, the temperature is no more so high but very often it rains. And the last season is winter – the coldest one. Temperature is about 10 degrees below zero and snow lies everywhere.

Our republic consists of three regions and these are Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Moravia is known for its large ponds and dams. It is also known for viticulture and big vineyards. For Bohemia are typical hop growing and the Czech Paradise. In this area there are beautiful sandstone cliffs with rock cities. The most popular are Prachovské rocks. There are also many castles: Trosky, Kost, Pecka, Valdštejn or Humprecht.

History of the CR is very long. The first state was Samo´s Empire. Later in the 9th century the Great Moravian Empire was formed. In 1914-1918 The First World War took place. In 1918 was Czechoslovakia established. In 1939 World War II. started and ended in 1945. The period between the wars was called the First Republic. In January 1993 the Czech Republic was created.

The most typical product for our country is beer. The most famous are Pilsner Urquell or Kozel. In my opinion the Škoda Auto makes us very famous, because these cars are exported all over the world. Very famous is also Baťa – shoes factory in Zlín.

Karel Gott is the most famous singer in the CR and Jaromír Jágr is the legend of Czech ice-hockey.

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